Twitter Chat: Questions for 8/18 #atplc

I’m so excited to host my first Solution Tree #atplc Chat via Twitter on Thursday 8/18 at 9 pm EST/ 8 pm CST. Topic: Avoiding Education Malpractice: Let’s Talk About Our Strategies!

Here are six questions for the chat:


Steps to Twitter Chat

If you’ve never done a Twitter Chat before, follow these steps:
1. log into your Twitter account.
2. In the search bar, type in #atplc.
3. Then you’ll see all the comments being made in that feed.
4. When you reply, type #atplc in your response so that others see your input.
It’s that easy! Be brave and join in. Can’t wait to learn from you on this chat or in future ones!

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker