
Learn more about offerings for education leaders, principals, assistant principals and district leaders from Principal Matters, LLC, with William D. Parker

Climbing Together Executive Coaching

One-on-one sessions with William D. Parker for reflective cycles of inquiry and problem-solving. Normally sessions meet once a quarter but consideration can also be given for weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly offerings.

Leadership Impact Mastermind Series

In this series, Will leads group sessions with like-minded leaders for collaboration and solutions. Participants are encouraged to enroll in this after completing the Grow Leaders Academy.

Grow Leaders Academy

Grow Leaders Academy is an ongoing year-long curriculum-based training for essential roles and tools for education leadership. This is ideal training for principals and assistant principals

More from Will Parker

PMP406: Thinking Inclusive with Tim Villegas

Tim Villegas is the Director of Communications for the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education. He is also the founder of Think Inclusive, which is the blog, podcast, and social media handle of MCIE. He has 16 years of experience in public education as a teacher and district support specialist. His focus now is on how…

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