Bonus: Principal Matters Update from Will Parker

Hi, Friends. Will Parker here. I am sharing this bonus episode to inform Principal Matters listeners about some new updates. First of all, we have a new website. For 10 years, I have been using the same website, and this week we are excited to launch a new place where you can find all the previous podcasts and blog posts, links to my books, as well as offerings and services like the Principal Matters Grow Academy, Impact Masterminds, Executive Coaching, and Keynote opportunities. 

Please take a moment to check it out. If you know someone who would benefit from subscribing to our weekly newsletter, they can use the subscribe button at to sign up.

Also, I want to encourage you to register for a virtual series that Jen Schwanke and I are providing for the National Association of Secondary School Principals this semester, called Ignite#. When you register, you will have direct access to four live virtual meetings that Jen and I will be facilitating on Whole School Wellness, on September 14, October 12, November 16, and December 14. We will be using content from both of our books to guide the conversation, including feedback from participants like you. You will also have access to other sessions led by great leaders like Robyn Jackson, Principal EL, and Jimmy Casas. Don’t miss out. Register today at

Next, I want to give a shout-out to a friend of mine, Dr. Helen Kelly. Dr. Kelly is an administrator from the UK who wrote the book School Leaders Matter, and she was a previous guest on PMP337 where she shared some powerful lessons on how to prevent burnout. Dr. Kelly is offering a virtual workshop on October 12, 2023, called Maximizing Your Work Recovery. You can find out more and register at or go to the link on my website accompanying this post to find out more.

Finally, we want to hear from you. Recently, Jen Schwanke and I shared an episode of reflective questions. We had feedback from several listeners who wanted an opportunity to have a conversation where they could reflect with guided questions and coaching. As a result, I’ve made some new friendships and learned a lot from the experiences of other leaders. I want to extend this complimentary invitation to listeners if you are interested in connecting for a 30-minute touch-base where I can ask you questions to help you reflect on your own leadership. Email me at with the subject line “Reflect” and I can reach back to schedule a time.

That’s it. If you are a regular listener, thank you, and expect to hear our next regularly scheduled episode in just a few days.  Please check out the new website at, and tell us what you think. Wishing you a great week ahead, and thank you again for doing what matters!

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker