MONDAY MATTERS with Jen Schwanke and Will Parker- Decision Making

Happy Monday! This week, Jen and I cover the topic of decision making for school leaders. Specifically, we consider the question: What goes in to the thought process when a leader has to make a decision?

Some of the pieces of the decision making process we cover are:

  • Recognizing it’s not as simple as just looking at data
  • Outcomes need to be analyzed
  • Compliance, requests outside of your control, things that you cannot control
  • Constraints of budgets and personnel 
  • Complexities of school leaders making decisions
  • Look at data that is trending in the moment
  • Look at data that tends to get overlooked
    • Employee retention
    • Extracurricular activity participation
    • Tech usage

Listen in to hear our full answer to that question!

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker