Principal Matters: The School Leader’s Podcast, Episode 1

I recorded this first episode at the beginning of school so that I could remember that important steps to take all-year-long for a successful school year. I describe two separate scenarios for students during their first day of school and the important cues educators must recognize and create.

Also, I talk about three C’s: Communication, Conversations, and Culture and how they affect the climate of the school on day one.

Here are highlights or show-notes from Episode 1:

  • What are the steps you’re taking to make sure your school has its most successful school-year yet?
  • 3 C’s for a Successful School Year: Communication, Conversations, and Culture
  • Two first-day of school scenarios: Billy & Jenny. Billy, who has all the resources he needs to be successful but finds his experience enhanced by the best practices of his teachers. Or Jenny, who doesn’t have all the resources she needs and how those deficiencies are exacerbated by the failure of a teacher to follow best practices for a first day.
  • Lessons Learned…
    1. Some students have lots of supports before they ever step into school.
    2. Billy’s teacher made it easy for him to feel secure and oriented.
    3. Jenny’s experience makes it difficult to have resources necessary to start successfully.
    4. The lack of follow-through of a teacher to follow best practices makes Jenny’s experience even more difficult.
  • The more prepared we are to rally around common themes, the more opportunities our students have to be successful.
  • Communication means creating a new consistent, friendly, helpful environment where students thrive.
    Conversations happen when educators steal ideas from one another and then act on them.
    Culture happens when an entire school is united around common expectations.
  • *Adam Saenz research shows students need to know an adult is in control and to know they’re loved. (*Please note in the podcast I incorrectly attributed this research to another author. Dr. Saenz is the correct author!)
  • Conclusion: Mixing together the 3 C’s provides the perfect ingredients for a successful school year! For more information, check out my previous blog posts, 3 C’s For Navigating a New School Year and 4 Cues To Remember For First Days of School.
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William D. Parker
William D. Parker