4 Ways to Learn From Other People’s Expertise

A few months ago I was planning to attend a principal’s meeting near the state capital.

Since I was going alone, I asked a principal friend from a neighboring district if we could ride together.

Little did I know how much I would be learning! We spent the ride there and back sharing insights and stories from our schools. It was such a great conversation, I opened my Ipad and starting taking notes.

Sometimes our greatest resource for change is as close as a phone call (or a car ride in this case). As I thought about that conversation, I reflected on other ways I have learned from simply asking.

Here are four examples of ways to reach out to others to learn from their expertise:

1. Connect with other people on your team or in your field.
You are blessed to share leadership with some awesome individuals in your school and district. Bouncing ideas off them always leads to better decisions. So look around at your colleagues. They have incredible ideas and have the context of working closely with you to give you advice no one else can.

Last year, I had the privilege of sitting on the interview committee for State Assistant Principal. It was an awesome opportunity to spend the day gleaning great ideas from some incredible administrators. You don’t have to be on an interview committee to have the chance to talk to great leaders. Pick up the phone, send an email, or ask someone to lunch.

Being a part of a principal’s association like CCOSA (in my state), NASSP or connecting online via venues like ConnectedPrincipals allows you to connect and learn from other leaders locally and globally.

Of course, connecting via Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, or Facebook are ways to discover the power of sharing ideas.

2. Visit Successful Schools or Organizations.
One of my favorite learning experiences is spending time at other schools. Last year, I was able to visit some nearby schools known for their incredible student test scores. We took a team of from our school and spent the morning observing their teachers working on data teams during their planning periods.

We also sat together with their teachers and administrators to discuss strategies and learn from their experiences. It is chore to leave your building for a day, but it is also great to come back with new perspectives and ideas that you can use to see your own improvement.

Our opportunity happened via email exchanges and text messages with administrators there. You can do the same in reaching out to an organization you would really like to visit.

In addition to schools, I enjoy getting to know friends with cooperate or entrepreneurial experience. Finding out how they run their organizations gives me more context for my own leadership.

3. Contact Outside Experts.
Whether it is technology support, curriculum, or instruction, sometimes a fresh set of eyes brings you new perspective.

In relation to school safety, for instance, our district has invited law enforcement and emergency officials to touch base with us, stay familiar with our buildings, and advise us on areas of concern. Your local emergency-responders should be your best allies in this area. We have also gleaned important safety tips from our student resource officer, our local fire marshall, and state homeland security experts.

The same applies to everything from curriculum to athletics–experts in those fields are great resources from whom you can learn.

4. Learn From Books, Conferences, Podcasts.
Sometimes our most obvious go-to’s are right at our finger tips. Some of the best books are those recommended by other school leaders.

Conferences are valuable ways to learn and network. I am excited about the upcoming Ignite Conference that NASSP is hosting in Dallas. In fact, I have been learning already from two of the keynote speakers I had the privilege to interview: Carol Dweck and Daniel Wong. How did those conversations happen? I just asked.

You can also learn by listening to podcasts. One of my favorite leadership podcasts has become Michael Hyatt’s This is Your Life. Each week, he provides practical, hands-on advice for intentional leadership.

Conclusion: We should never stop being life-long learners, and one way to do that is by seeking counsel from others. Whether you are connecting with others in your field, seeking outside advice, or taking advantage of good books, speakers, or podcasts, it has never been easier to discover find valuable input for the road ahead.

Now It’s Your Turn:
Who are some go-to’s you have found valuable for your school or team? Share some of your favorite books, podcasts, and speakers with the rest of us!

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker