Attention Please, I Have An Announcement To Make

Almost two years ago, I began posting weekly to share ideas for school leaders.

Click on image to vote for new book cover!

That choice opened a lot of opportunities for me to collaborate with great educators, connect with people all over the world, and interview some fascinating leaders.

My content is not necessarily new or unfamiliar. Educators have been sharing best practices for years.

But I have continued writing as people keep asking me great questions about leading others. Posting them here has given me a larger platform where I can share those ideas.

So today I have an announcement to make: I want to be able to share these ideas with even more people. So I am in the process of self-publishing a 194 page collection of my thoughts on school leadership.

Not surprisingly, it is called Principal Matters: The Motivation, Courage, Action and Teamwork Needed For School Leadership.

So with this announcement, I’d like your help.

Can you help me choose an awesome book cover?

If you’ve never used 99-designs, it is a website where you begin a contest based on a design(s) brief you submit. Designers from all over the world participate by submitting their pieces based on the content you share.

So far I have seen 141 entries from 25 designers. I need help choosing 1 from 8 designs.

If you’re in, please check out the Poll of 8 choices from 99-Designs I am sharing.

It doesn’t take long to vote, and the more input, the better. Go here to vote. Thanks for taking just a moment to provide your feedback on these designs.

Launch Date Still To Be Announced
More news to come later on the launch date of the finished product, but if you know a school leader or aspiring one, my hope is that my new book can be a good Christmas present idea.

I’ll keep you posted as this dream becomes a reality. Thanks again for participating in the poll

Now It’s Your Turn
You can go here to vote on your favorite cover. Please pass along this poll as I would love to hear back from others.

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker