Countdown End-of-School Year

My school is quickly approaching graduation.
As we head into the last five weeks of school, I’m reminded that not all educators consider our North American summer the end of their school year.
In Sydney, for instance, schools just ended their first term April 8 and begin their second term the last week of April. If your Down Under, you may benefit from my podcast episode, 7 Questions for The First Days of Schools!
For most of my colleagues in North America, however, the end is near. Every year it seems like the last weeks become the most stressful as we wrap up events, meet deadlines, and prepare for summer. If you’re like me, those end-of-year to-do’s seem to grow by the day. After a while, you feel yourself sliding down the slippery slope of panic.
So last week I gathered all of my to-do’s into one place and shared an end-of-the-year calendar with our teachers. Check it out for a helpful sample as your working with your team for whatever deadlines you’re facing.

Principal Matters Archives

I’ve also reached into the Principal Matters archives and found some other helpful suggestions for finishing strong. Check out End-of-School Year Lessons for details on these 3 tips:
1. Maintain solid routines when we may be tempted to begin coasting.
2. Encourage healthy day-to-day choices when you could easily ignore priorities.
3. Stay the course even as you feel the pull of fatigue calling you to slow down.
Finally, see 5 Tips on Preparing for Your Next Launch, for ideas on the following-up after teachers leave:
1. Make a list and prioritize.
2. Assign responsibilities and delegate.
3. Redesign working hours so summer work doesn’t drain momentum.
4. Collaborate on more difficult tasks.
5. Take a break and insist others do the same.


Whatever processes you have for ending the year, communicate, communicate, and communicate. Stay on the same page with your team for ending strong because ending strong this school year means starting strong next school year.

Now It’s Your Turn

What are some other end-of-school year procedures or processes you use that would be helpful for others to share?

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker
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