NASSP Advocacy Conference Update

On June 21-22, 2016, the National Association of Secondary Principals hosted its Advocacy Conference for members in Washington, D.C.

NASSP Principals gather before visits to the Hill on June 22, 2016
NASSP Principals gather before visits to the Hill on June 22, 2016

Principals and school leaders from across America received updates and heard presentations from experts in advocacy, leadership, and federal policies that affect schools. As State Coordinator for NASSP, I joined Clay McDonald, Middle School Principal from Piedmont, Oklahoma and President-Elect of the Oklahoma Association of Secondary Principals for the two-day conference and Hill visit.
On Wednesday, June 22, we visited Congressional members and staff in their House and Senate offices on the Hill. Mr. McDonald and I visited the offices of Oklahoma representatives: Congressman Frank Lucas, Congressman Jim Bridenstine, Congressman Steve Russell, and Senator Jim Inhofe.
Photos from left to right: Will Parker, Senator Jim Inhofe, Principal Clay McDonald; Photo 2: Will Parker, Congressman Jim Bridenstine, Clay McDonald; Photo 3: Will Parker, Staff Member Amy Baker (Congressman Russell’s office), and Clay McDonald; Photo 4: Will Parker and Clay McDonald by reflecting pool with Washington Monument in background.
Photos from left to right: Will Parker, Senator Jim Inhofe, Principal Clay McDonald; Photo 2: Will Parker, Congressman Jim Bridenstine, Clay McDonald; Photo 3: Will Parker, Staff Member Amy Baker (Congressman Russell’s office), and Clay McDonald; Photo 4: Will Parker and Clay McDonald by reflecting pool with Washington Monument in background.

Delivering a Big Thank You

Our first priority was to thank members for their support of the new federal education law, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaces No-Child Left Behind.
ESSA limits the number of student assessments students are required to take and gives states and local districts the flexibility to decide accountability standards for these exams. ESSA is welcome relief to public schools, and we made it an important goal to thank members for their support.

Support Still Needed

We also shared with Congressional members the support our public schools still need under ESSA’s Title programs. Appropriations for these programs have yet to be decided, and with pending elections, a budget is not likely to be finalized for months.
In the meantime, we asked them to support the following:
Title I Grants
• ESSA allows Title I funding to serve the most disadvantaged students and increases have been proposed for FY 2017.
• Title II, Part A allows funding not only for teacher training but also professional development for principals.
• Title II, Part B, allows funding for recruiting, training, and development of principals.
• Title II, Part B also allows grants for dedicated literacy programming.
Title IV, Part A
ESSA allows grants to help students in three areas: (1) providing them with well-rounded education; (2) supporting safe and healthy schools; (3) supporting the effective use of technology.
IDEA State Grants
Although ESSA promises to fund “40 percent of the national average per pupil expenditure for students receiving IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) services,” NASSP is also urging Congress to pass an IDEA Full Funding Act.
Career and Technical Education
ESSA allows stat grants to support high-quality career and technical education programs
Many states rely on these Title and Grant programs to fund school programs. For states like Oklahoma that are facing cuts in state funding, these federal programs would provide essential resources for schools. For more information on NASSP’s advocacy updates concerning ESSA check out their Principal Policy Page.

Student Advocacy

Photo from April 2016 visit to Oklahoma State Capitol. Left to right: Will Parker, Julie Franklin, Lily Cummings. Jayci Jones, Hannah Pike, and Oklahoma State Senator J.J. Dossett.
Photo from April 2016 visit to Oklahoma State Capitol. Left to right: Will Parker, Julie Franklin, Lily Cummings. Jayci Jones, Hannah Pike, and Oklahoma State Senator J.J. Dossett.

As a part of our advocacy training in D.C., I was also able to share a quick presentation with school leaders on the power of involving students in advocacy. This past spring, students from Skiatook High School joined me in meetings at our state capitol, and nothing is more powerful than stories from students on why their schools and teachers need support from lawmakers and public policy.
I shared that positive advocacy has 5 parts:
1. Understand the issues, but keep it simple.
2. Be friendly, and say thank you.
3. Tell stories.
4. Take photos and share via social media.
5. Follow-up with thank you’s and continue conversations.
For a touching story from one of my students, you can read the original blog post: 5 Tips in Student Advocacy.


Advocacy is important for maintaining support for our students and schools, but advocacy is really about relationships—being able to talk about issues that directly affect students, regardless of party affiliations or elections.

Now It’s Your Turn

You don’t have to visit Washington, D.C. in person to do advocacy. Check out NASSP’s website for more information on issues and ways you can reach out today. You can email legislators via NASSP’s Legislative Action Center.

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker