PMP303: Intro to The Teacher’s Principal: How School Leaders Can Support and Motivate Their Teachers

This week Jen Schwanke gives a sneak-peek into her newest book, The Teacher’s Principal: How School Leaders Can Support and Motivate Their Teachers, coming out this summer.

Jen explains:

  • Why she wrote the book
  • The importance of purpose, priorities, patterns
  • Negatives and positives and responses
  • External threats to teacher motivators

We also discuss why one-size does not fit-all in working with teachers, and how the ‘trusting’ principal must develop meaningful relationships and master contextual literacy.

Listen-in for more takeaways, and order your copy of Jen’s new book today!

Now it’s your turn

What ideas would you propose as ways for school leaders to support and motivate their teachers? Let us know your ideas or questions by emailing me at

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker