PMP297: Applying the Strangest Secret with Daniel Bauer

A couple of weeks ago, I was on a call with my friend Daniel Bauer, education leader, podcaster and author of the book Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader.

He had included me in an email sharing about his favorite recording of all times: The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

I had taken to time to find it and listen and ended up writing down several notes and questions. 

Danny was generous enough to schedule a call with me so that we could talk about my questions, and we decided a few minutes into the conversation to record it as I had a feeling it would be full of great takeaways. I was not disappointed, and I believe you’ll find Danny’s feedback helpful for your leadership as we discuss ideas including:

  • Setting goals and reviewing them
  • Not responding to what you fear
  • Giving more of yourself than ever before
  • The realities of how good things usually come from doing hard things
  • How “head winds and tail winds” in our lives influence our movement and generosity

If you’d like to connect with Danny and his resources, you can find him at

Send Me Your Best Takeaways

By the way, if you’d like to share some of your favorite memories or lessons from the Principal Matters podcasts, I will be doing a special edition for PMP300 and would love to hear from you. Open your phone and find your voice memo. Record a 60 second audio including your name, what school you serve and what lesson, story or episode that spoke to you – or any other way Principal Matters podcast has been meaningful to you. Email it to Or if you prefer to write rather than speak, email me your thoughts at I look forward to hearing from you!

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker