PMP271: Answering Questions on School Discipline with Jen Schwanke

This week Jen Schwanke and Will Parker answer the principal question: “How do you structure discipline so that punishments fit the crime?”

We talk about how the word discipline, instead of punishment, carries an important distinction for how we approach consequences for students.

In addition, we provide feedback on several areas, including:

1. Set high expectations.

2. Let the consequence fit the infraction.

3. Be consistent.

4. Be creative when necessary.

5. Be polite.

6. Be Specific and Document.

7. Serve and Teach.

8. Communicate Trust

You can find a previous post Will shared with more feedback on how to Discipline with Dignity.

Now It’s Your Turn

Student discipline is both an art and science. What are some ways you have learned to discipline with dignity? What ideas would you add to this list? What are some new steps you can take to see the positive behaviors you would like to with your students?

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William D. Parker
William D. Parker