Bonus Episode: Making Every Moment a Learning Moment – Year in Review and Big News for 2023!
Will Parker wraps up 2022, shares personal stories, and reveals some exciting news for 2023 in this week's episode of PMP.
with William D. Parker and Friends
Will Parker wraps up 2022, shares personal stories, and reveals some exciting news for 2023 in this week's episode of PMP.
This week, Will Parker and Jen Schwanke are tackling some listener questions. The question they are covering this week is: "Do you have any tips on becoming well versed in becoming knowledgeable about content areas other than my own and scheduling classroom observations?"
Will Parker and Dr. Lute Croy continue their discussion from last week's episode, talking about lessons for new and aspiring leaders.
This week, Will Parker and Dr. Lute Croy will be discussing ways that leaders can transition in administration roles.
Will Parker and Shenita Perry share with listeners one leader’s lessons in the journey of finding the right fit in leadership in this weeks episode.
This week, Will and Jen discuss six more tips and practical ways to plan for a job transition.
Whenever leaders are looking for new opportunities, each situation is unique. Not everyone lives in the same setting, history or opportunity.
This week Will Parker is joined by Jen Schwanke to talk about returning the joy to teaching in learning and leading. As the year winds down,
This week, Will Parker and Jen Schwanke tackle the topic of discipline in schools. Specifically, they discuss how to discipline with dignity as school leaders.
This week, Will Parker and Jimmy Casas continue their conversation about Jimmy’s newest book, Recalibrate the Culture: Our Why...Our Work...Our Values.
In this weeks episode of Principal Matters Podcast, Will and Jimmy Casas discuss Casas' newest book is Recalibrate the Culture: Our Why...Our Work...Our Values.
This week Will discusses the book A New Kind of Diversity: Making Different Generations on Your Team a Competitive Advantage with author Tim Elmore.
This week Kristi and Danny share more ideas about teacher recruitment with Will as well as ways they are working for retention of highly effective teachers.
: Play in new window | DownloadSchools across the U.S. continue to respond to teacher shortages. On September 1, the White House announced recruitment partnerships to addresses the challenges. Groups like the National Center for Grow have partnered with states…
In this week’s episode, Will Parker and Jen Schwanke share some thoughts on how to remain focused on service to your school communities while also remaining aware of what is happening in politics and advocacy that may also be affecting your school.
Will Parker and Jen Schwanke tackle questions from listeners in this weeks episode of the Principal Matters Podcast.
As a long-time listener of Principal Matters, Jordan reached out to me this summer after reading a copy of my first book.
Zac Bauermaster currently serves as principal at Kissel Hill Elementary School, located in the Warwick School District in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Will Parker interviews Anya Kamenetz on this weeks episode of the Principal Matters Podcast.
: Play in new window | DownloadThis week, Will interviews Principal Sapna Hopkins. Listen to the entire show for her inspiring personal story and journey in education. Plus, learn ways she is engaging her new school community that can motivate…
: Play in new window | DownloadThis week Jen Schwanke and Will Parker continue conversations about ways school leaders can prepare for the school year – especially those who may be early career education leaders. Relying on strategies from her…
: Play in new window | DownloadWhat priorities must you keep in mind as you start a new school year? In this week’s episode, Will Parker and Jen Schwanke draw on years of experience to provide ideas and takeaways –…
: Play in new window | DownloadThis week Jen Schwanke gives a sneak-peek into her newest book, The Teacher’s Principal: How School Leaders Can Support and Motivate Their Teachers, coming out this summer. Jen explains: Why she wrote the book…
: Play in new window | DownloadIn this episode, Jen Schwanke and I discuss ways that principals can reflect over summer break. We begin with the questions: What makes you anxious? Is your anxiety about the coming school year because…
: Play in new window | DownloadJen Schwanke, ASCD author and veteran educator, joins me in this episode to answer listener questions. Question #1 “How do you or would you mediate negative relationships between staff members in your building and…
: Play in new window | DownloadIn December 2015, Principal Matters: The School Leader’s Podcast began from my home on my laptop with a borrowed microphone during a Christmas Break when I had time to research how to start a…
: Play in new window | DownloadDaniel (DJ) Klein is an Assistant Principal at Ocean Springs High School, in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. For longtime Principal Matters listeners, you may recognize the name DJ Klein from two previous episodes: First, on…
: Play in new window | DownloadIn this week’s episode, I am joined again by my friend Daniel Bauer, education leader, podcaster and author of the book Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader. We explore how he applies his 5…
: Play in new window | DownloadA couple of weeks ago, I was on a call with my friend Daniel Bauer, education leader, podcaster and author of the book Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader. He had included me…
: Play in new window | DownloadI enjoy the sounds of morning. Yesterday, as I sat on my back porch sipping coffee, I could hear the patt-pattering of a woodpecker in the Cottonwood tree. Three squirrels were scampering along the…
: Play in new window | DownloadThis school year I had the privilege of connecting with leaders from schools in the great state of Ohio through a series of Zoom meetings. We worked through twenty sessions together covering leadership content,…
: Play in new window | DownloadBrent Kline is Principal of Palo Alto High School, in Palo Alto, California. His previous administration roles include four years at Santa Cruz High School. He began his education career as a teacher in…
: Play in new window | DownloadLast week Garth Larson was a guest on episode 292 as he shared the Profile of a School Leader. During our pre-show conversation, we reflected on the lessons both of us had learned in…
: Play in new window | DownloadGarth Larson, Ed.D is the Co-Founder and CEO of FIRST Educational Resources. Garth has previously worked as the Director of Learning for the Winneconne Community School District in northeast Wisconsin, was an elementary principal…
: Play in new window | DownloadDr. Keri Launius has worked in PreK-16 education for over 22 years. With experiences from classroom teacher, campus principal and district administration, she has had ample opportunities to learn and grow as an educator.…
: Play in new window | DownloadThis week Jen Schwanke and William D. Parker talk about how principals and education leaders can recruit and retain high quality teachers: Learn about efforts school districts are using involving supporting employment funnels from…
: Play in new window | DownloadIn Jen Schwanke’s new role as an Deputy Superintendent and in dissertation work, she has been learning a lot about supporting school communities district-wide. In this week’s episode, she explains some of the main…
: Play in new window | DownloadWarren J. Glen has twenty years of experience in post-secondary education. His journey in higher education has enhanced his expertise to administer grants, manage deliverables, and mentor and motivate young scholars. Currently, he is…
: Play in new window | DownloadVeteran school administrator and educational consultant Pete Hall channels his experiences as a school principal, life coach, and small-business owner into manageable lessons for continuous growth, personal improvement, and positive mindset. Hall served 12…
: Play in new window | DownloadEric Garcia is a Washington, D.C.-based journalist focused on politics and policy and currently the senior Washington correspondent for The Independent. His first book We’re Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation, which the Washington…
: Play in new window | DownloadThis week I’m taking a break from posting so that I can enjoy more time with family during Spring Break. I hope you are doing the same if you are on break this time…
: Play in new window | DownloadHow do you transform school culture so that you keep high quality teachers? Today’s guest include three education leaders: Dr. Salome Thomas-EL, Dr. TJ Vari and Dr. Joseph Jones. These men are school and…
: Play in new window | DownloadTimothy Alexander is a bestselling writer, award-winning speaker, and life coach who thrives at the intersection of character development, counseling, and mentorship. After a life changing car accident in 2006 left him paralyzed from…
: Play in new window | DownloadJethro Jones is the founder of Transformative Principal, which provides leadership development, weekly masterminds, and one-on-one coaching for school leaders across the nation and internationally. In 2017, he was recognized as Digital Principal of…
: Play in new window | DownloadKyle Palmer is currently Executive Director of Human Resources for the Center School District of South Kansas City, MO. Before this transition, Dr. Palmer spent the previous ten years as principal of nationally recognized…
: Play in new window | DownloadDr. Tim Elmore is the founder and CEO of Growing Leaders. His work grew out of 20 years of serving alongside Dr. John C. Maxwell. Elmore has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the…
: Play in new window | DownloadLast month I had the privilege of presenting in a virtual event to a group of assistant principals and aspiring school leaders at Pecos Barstow Toyah ISD in Pecos, Texas. As part of a…
: Play in new window | DownloadDr. Christopher Jones has been an educator in Massachusetts for 22 years. He has just finished his 14th year as a building administrator. True to his “why” of improving the educational experience for as…
: Play in new window | DownloadIn a recent article Jen Schwanke published with ASCD, First Engage Teachers: A Principal’s Role in Cultivating Staff Motivation, Jen makes the following assertion: “When principals foster a staff’s collective belief in themselves, their…
: Play in new window | DownloadLast week a principal wrote to tell me he was short 25 teachers or staff as he ended his first week back in the new semester. Another principal wrote that he spent his first…
: Play in new window | DownloadThis morning I read a gripping opinion post in Education Week by Lisa Mead, a principal in upstate New York, whose piece titled A Principal’s Assessment: ‘We’re Not OK’. She shared what I’ve heard…